LEDA collaboration

Laboratory for Electronic Design Automation

University of Besancon

The cooperation between the University of Besancon (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon) started in 1997. Prof. Michel Lenzner, professor at the University of Besancon, was looking for the project partner able to simulate distributed electromechanical self-adaptive systems (adaptronics, smart-materials).



Prof. Michel Lenzner contacted Željko for the first time, offering the cooperation in simulation of microelectromechanical self-adaptive systems.


Željko Mrčarica visited Besancon, working on the simulation of self-adaptive microsystems using simulator Alecsis.


Željko Mrčarica visited Besancon again, finalizing the simulation setup for the self-adaptive microsystems.This resulted in a number of publications.

As a compensation for participation in the project, LEDA got the IC Design environment Tanner, which is the first commercial complete IC design environment in LEDA.


Prof. Michel Lenzner visited LEDA at participated in a SSSS 2000.

List of joint publications